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- Written by JPHrisoulas
Update: We are still working on our backorders list. Currently we have fulfilled all orders for high carbon steel daggers with hardwood grips. Currently we are working on our black iron and wire wrapped grip blades as well as a few "extras" for immediate sale.
We just posted several more pieces on our in stock pages. Here is a preview:
So please take a peek and see what we have . I know it has been a loooong time since we had anything listed on our in stock pages thanks to the health problems I experienced but we are BACK!
I wish to thank you all for the patience and understanding while I was going through that "down time".. It is greatly appreciated.
THANK YOU all once again!
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- Written by JPHrisoulas
First off.. The work on back orders continues.. All high carbon steel daggers with phosphor bronze fittings have been finished. If you have one of these on order and you have NOT heard from us please contact us!
The next several runs of back orders are high carbon daggers and swords with black iron fittings.. There will be several batches of these due to the fact that 89% of the back orders I have are for these. In addition to the back orders I will be also doing as time allows for items to place here for immediate sale.
Also in the next 36 to 48 hours (if the leather dries as planned that is) I will be posting several more blades. These are high carbon steel daggers, both leaf blades and straight blades with phosphor bronze mounts and assorted hardwood grips.
PRICE REDUCTION! I have never really been a "fan" of the Japanese sword.... but with book IV covering these blades I had to bite the bullet and do some.... I have one (1) left and believe me when I say I am sick of looking at these things as well as cutting myself numerous times polishing/sharpening them (OK.. I admit I am a klutz) I want this last one GONE! I never want to see another one if these again. PERIOD!!
So I am reducing the price dramatically to $1650.00... This is very nice sword and a full description is in our "In Stock" pages.
In closing I wish to once again thank all of you folks for your patience and understanding during my recent health problems.... although it took the VA the better part of a year to finally figure out what was wrong I am now well on the way to having that behind me and everything is working like it should FINALLY!! I am still having a wee bit of a problem with my stamina but that is slowly coming back as well.
So take a look and see what have new and once the additional pieces are up we will post a notice here,
Thank you all once again for the support and understanding...
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- Written by JPHrisoulas
As per our earlier posting...the new items are up and ready to go to their new homes. Included in this grouping is the last Japanese style blade I will ever make..I am so DONE with them.. Anyways...
We have several nice sgain dubhs listed as well as a very nice Ladder pattern Dagger..
So please take a look and see what we currently have in stock.
Note: We are under a severe storm warning at the moment so if we are a bit tardy in getting back to you please be patient.
In closing take a peek and see what we have..and more new items coming later this week if the weather holds.
Thank you for your interest.
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- Written by JPHrisoulas
Things are finally moving in the "right direction" as far as health and production goes. Backorders are now being filled as fast as we can without cutting corners. As it is all orders for high carbon steel sgain dubhs have been filled.. If by chance you have one of these on order and have not yet heard from us PLEASE contact us. With all that has happened in the last year with Sue, as well as Jim almost dying from that infection and all with his recovery.. our records keeping got a bit sketchy.
Currently being finished are hardwood gripped, high carbon steel daggers and short swords. We are about 3/4 the way through those orders. The first run of black iron mounted dagger and sword orders, including rapier and war hammers have been placed in queue for soft assembly and blue. There are a LOT of these to do as this style of blade is very popular. There will be several runs of these. But they are coming soon!
Also...in the next 24 to 36 hours we will be posting the "extra" sgain dubhs that we made as well as a very nice pattern welded dagger and the very LAST Katana we will ever make. We will place a notice here once these are posted.
As far as "in stock" items....While are primarily working on filling back orders we are making additional pieces in order to offer finished blades on this site. When these are finished they will be posted for sale.
In closing we would like to thank you all for the continued support and most of all for the understanding and prayers. We really appreciate that more than we can ever possibly express.. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!
Once again if you have an questions at all...please feel free to contact us..
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- Written by JPHrisoulas
A long awaited update.. and GOOD news (for once!) Jim has more or less recovered from his recent health scare/predicament, while his stamina isn't where it should be as yet he is now back at work and we would like to thank everyone who have been so patiently waiting their back orders for the understanding, well wishes and prayers for Jim's health.. He is working but not yet up to his usual 10 hour days, but he is BACK! He is now working on the outstanding orders and as they are completed their owners will be notified.
In addition to the backorders we will be soon posting a '"run" of his sgain dubh style of knives in high carbon steel with various hardwoods on the grips. Jim did a run of these to "ease" back into working hot and heavy after his long illness.. Once the leather work is completed and the orders for these are filled the remaining dozen or so will be placed on here for sale. Once they are up we will be posting a notice here as usual...
What is coming... FINALLY Black iron mounted blades and war hammers.. We haven't been able to do any of these since before Jim getting laid up and that was a quite a while back.. He already has the blades for quite a few forged, heat treated and ready for final grinding and mounts. We are a couple weeks out for completion on these as we work in batches as far as the bluing goes... There are a few back orders in batch one coming as well..More batches will be done and we are slipping in a few other pieces during "down time" in the runs.. As new pieces are completed and become ready we will post them for sale.. again, we will announce their availability here.. It's been a long time since we had any significant amount of work posted but we will be posting new pieces here shortly..
Book IV news.... we need a graphic artist who can "translate" Jim's line drawings into "pen and ink" illustrations for book IV. There will be quite a few of them that will need to be done, and the graphic artist will get full credit on the publisher's page as well as what ever terms we can agree upon. Book IV will be a rather large book..and we are getting excited that it is getting closer to being completed...So if anyone is interested in possibly doing these illustrations please by all means contact us!
So check back from time to time to see what is new and in closing...
Thank you all once again for your patience, prayers and continued support throughout our difficult time. We greatly appreciate it!
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