
A long awaited update.. and GOOD news (for once!) Jim has more or less recovered from his recent health scare/predicament, while his stamina isn't where it should be as yet he is now back at work and we would like to thank everyone who have been so patiently waiting their back orders for the understanding, well wishes and prayers for Jim's health.. He is working  but not yet up to his usual 10 hour days, but he is BACK!  He is now working on the outstanding orders and as they are completed their owners will be notified.

In addition to the backorders we will be soon posting a '"run" of his sgain dubh style of knives in high carbon steel with various hardwoods on the grips. Jim did a run of these to "ease" back into working hot and heavy after his long illness.. Once the leather work is completed and the orders for these are filled the remaining dozen or so will be placed on here for sale. Once they are up  we will be posting a notice here as usual...

What is coming... FINALLY Black iron mounted blades and war hammers.. We haven't been able to do any of these since before Jim getting laid up and that was a  quite a while back.. He already has the blades for quite  a few forged, heat treated and ready for final grinding and mounts. We are a couple weeks out for completion on these as we work in batches as far as the bluing goes... There are a few back orders in batch one coming as well..More batches will be done and we are slipping in a few other pieces during "down time" in the runs.. As new pieces are completed and become ready we will post them for sale.. again, we will announce their availability  here.. It's been a long time since we had any significant amount of work posted but  we will be posting new pieces here shortly..

Book IV news.... we need a graphic artist who can "translate" Jim's line drawings into "pen and ink" illustrations for book IV. There will be quite a few of them that will need to be done, and the graphic artist will get full credit on the publisher's page as well as what ever terms  we can agree upon.  Book IV will be a rather large book..and we are getting excited that it is getting closer to being completed...So if anyone is interested in possibly doing these illustrations please by all means contact us!

So check back from time to time to see what is new and in closing...

Thank you all once again for your patience, prayers and continued support throughout our difficult time.   We greatly appreciate it!




The much awaited flash sale is on !  It will run until 2400hrs (12 PM) Saturday April 27, 2024 EST. Prices have been reduced even further, down to about 1/2 of what these usually sell for due to our getting hammered by medical bills.

The new swords are simply GORGEOUS!  Please take a look and see...

As always, if you have any questions or would like additional photos, just feel free to ask.

THANK YOU ALL for your continued interest and support.. It is greatly appreciated..



Update! Due to a small setback Jim is now finishing up the last of the Japanese blades he made for book IV.. These will be posted in the next 36 top 48 hours, depending upon when the lacquer sealant has hardened. There are two Katana, to wakizashi, which are mounted the same  and can be Dai-Sho if so desired. These are NOCE swords.

We will post here when they are up on our Japanese blades pages.

Sorry for the delay in getting these done but Jim had a small health setback that he is now pretty much over.  He continues to recover and hopefully he will be back to his normal levels shortly.

Thank you all for your patience..


We are currently working on three more Katana.. These were made for illustration purposes for book IV.. These should be done this weekend if the lacquer dries. As soon as they are done they will be posted under my Japanese Blades page.

EMERGENCY Flash Sale.. We are getting hammered with medical bills and due to this fact we will be reducing all of the Japanese  blade we have in stock will be further reduced... As for when this sale goes into effect depends upon when the lacquer hardens on the three new pieces. The length of this dale has yet to be determined but it will be posted once the pieces are up on this site. This will be an excellent chance to get one of my pieces at an unheard of price...and this will also give us some breathing room as they say..  We will post it here when everything goes into effect.

Thank you all for your letters of support and well wishes.. They are greatly appreciated.  THANK YOU!!


We just posted a Kogarasu Maru Katana on our Japanese blades page..  Please take a look..

What we have coming:

We will be posting another Katana in the next week or so and another about 2 weeks after that. In the mean time Jim has been "released" from the light/limited duty he was on and is now slowly working to get into full time once again. However he was told that he should start out slowly and work into hui usual 10 hour work days..

As soon as he finished items we will be posting. We are planning.. amongst  things a couple of runs of black iron mounted sword and daggers, welded cable, pattern welded blades and a few war hammers as well.. Please check back often to see what is new we put up.

Thank you all for your encouragement. Jim still isn't back up to speed but he should be in another week or two..

Thank you all once again,...