
Update!  Just posted two new pattern welded Arming swords on my "In Stock" pages. Please take a look.. In the next day or two I will be posting two more pieces..One of which is one of the last 4  of my Japanese blades in my limited series. I found a blade that was put away 3/4 the way done so I just finished it up and is it GORGEOUS. It's a Gen II (1070 outer with a mild steel/soft iron core).  So if you get a chance take a look

What is in the works: AXES! Throwing axes are almost done and spears will follow as soon as the browning is complete. I will post a notice when they are up and ready to go.. In the que..Pattern welded daggers along with two of my limited edition "Dark Age" pattern welded swords...along with  a few other fun things.. So please drop by and see what's new!

Thank you for your time..




Just an update...well we have the site pretty much back up and running and I am starting to populate it with new items as they are finished. We still have some minor tweeking and de-bugging to do but we are working on it. So please take a look. I will be posting some new items shortly on my in stock pages.

I wish to that you all for your patience and understanding ..


First off... Let us take a few moments to remember those that gave their lives in service to our great nation. We all gave some...some gave ALL.. so to those valiant souls that perished in service to our nation...rest well....you are not forgotten..and you never will be....

We are still trying to work the bugs out of the new site.. Please be patient.. we are on this...

Posted 5 pieces on the In Stock pages...and that is one bug we are trying to work out... They don't show up!!  But we will get this corrected... so bear with us..

More updates will follow...



Well we are back up and running!! this site was down for close to two weeks and thanks to the tireless efforts of my Web Minion Karl we are BACK!  Now this will need some small tweeking and de-bugging but we are back.  I will be posting in stock items here this evening and once I get this all set I will be holding my annual Memorial Day Sale ()OK I know it's late but the site crash hit us..) and I will be posting that once I get everything set.




As many of you already know our site has been down close to two and a half weeks. This was do to us being hacked and the hackers crashed my site..destroying pretty much everything. This was a MAJOR hit but thanks to my E-Vile Minion Carolus, and his tireless efforts we have been able to rebuild... Thankfully I did have my files backed up on an off site server...

Now while we are "Back" I still have to load in stock items and work out a few kinks and tweek it here and there...but we are BACK.

Please come back in a little while and see what the differences are and I will be holding a sale of the items that I do have in stock once I get things back to full operational status.

I wish to thank all of you that have written in and/or called  to see what was going on. It's nice to know that folks out there still notice things. 

So check back shortly and once again...

